Config App

Config App

One app for everything – from setting-up, installation and service to user control.

The LS Config app is developed by LS Control and, like a chameleon, it changes its color and logo depending on the manufacturer’s product it is being used for. This means that as a manufacturer, you can customize the app with exactly the colors, style, menu items, values, etc., that you want your product to display.

However, this is just one of many features offered by the LS Config app. With LS Config, you get both a user control app and an app that assists the installer with both setup and later servicing of the product. One app replaces a multitude of different apps, each with its own function and independent maintenance. Since the core structure of LS Config is owned by LS Control, it is our responsibility to ensure that the app always complies with both Google and Apple requirements. As a result, your maintenance costs are minimal because you only own a small part of the app and thus only bear a smaller portion of the maintenance costs.

In addition to maintenance, we also provide continuous updates and feature expansions, made available effortlessly for the user. E.g. the LS Config app is being updated with adaptive energy management, so the system automatically regulates energy consumption for heat and ventilation based on the electricity price and weather conditions.

LS Config is a data-driven app, so any changes to the logo, colors, and functionality are instantly updated in the app without needing to reinstall it to get the latest version.

How does the LS Config app work?

The LS Config app uses Bluetooth when connecting a product to the app. Simply open the LS Config app and scan the QR code on the product. The LS Config app will then retrieve the product profile via WiFi or the GSM network, connect to the product via Bluetooth, and display the user menu for the product. As the product manufacturer, you define the user menu and decide which permissions and access the user will have.

Service Technician Menu

If desired, the service technician menu can be “hidden” behind a login or password. This ensures that only authorized personnel can access and adjust more complex and critical settings on the product. As the customer, you still choose the menus, set points, graphs, etc., that you want to display in the Config App.

LS Config App Video

We have created a short video showcasing some of the features and screen views in the LS Config app. Click on the screen to watch the video.

Start Screen LS Config