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IoT Fleet Management

We have developed a system we call LS SmartConnect, which enables a secure connection to your product via the Internet. When your product is securely connected to the web, you have the option of controlling the product via a mobile phone or tablet. It is also possible to connect the Fleet management system LS SmartConnect Center to the product.


Today, it is almost impossible to buy a product that cannot be controlled via an app. Unfortunately, many of the solutions that are on the market are very easy to break into and disrupt operation, or perhaps in the worst case gain access to other systems connected via the same connection.

A connection via LS SmartConnect is a secure pier-to-pier connection that, via a blunt code, ensures that the user experiences an unproblematic access without compromising security.

We have developed a very simple user app that makes it possible to see a selection of data for the product as well as e.g. start and stop a product or make simple selected settings for the product.

LS SmartConnect Center

Is a system that via a PC or an app makes it possible to fleet control all connected products. The products can be grouped and groups resold to, for example, retailers or service partners, who in this way can fleet control the products they have resold or must service.

In LS Smart Connect Center you get a full overview of the status of all the connected products, and can see if some of the products have an alarm that requires attention, it could e.g. be filter change. It is also possible via LS Smart Connect Center to regulate products, update software or adjust the product. LS SmartConnect Center can also be used for troubleshooting if a product does not work optimally. All without leaving the office. It saves a lot of money in service visits, and the users experience a very reliable product without being disturbed by having to be at home to receive service technicians.