District Heating Control

District Heating Control

District Heating Control

Intelligent, modern controllers for district heating.

Increasing Complexity Requires Smarter Control

Modern district heating units require control systems with advanced technology, as control complexity increases due to new methods of delivering district heating. For example, low-temperature district heating and cooling require faster and more comprehensive control solutions.

The Importance of Online Connectivity

Additionally, the user interface for district heating control has gained new significance. Having the district heating unit online has become an almost indispensable requirement, as utility companies need connectivity for consumption monitoring and optimal supply regulation, while end-users want to adjust heating and track consumption via an app.

In-dept Experience in Intelligent District Heating Control

We already have experience in developing this type of intelligent district heating control.

Precise Control and Fast Response

Our control unit operates on a 230V power supply and is based on ModBus communication. To maximize the efficiency of district heating, fast and precise temperature measurement is essential for rapid stepper motor control. Naturally, this capability is integrated into our district heating controllers.

Flexible Sensor and Output Configuration

Depending on specifications, control can be based on both indoor and outdoor temperatures using sensors. The unit includes a relay for the circulation pump, a 0-10V output for components such as a valve with feedback, and a customizable number of sensor inputs and outputs.

Connectivity and Smart Features

The control unit is equipped with LAN, Bluetooth, and Zigbee.

  • LAN ensures a stable, secure internet connection for remote monitoring, control, servicing, and firmware updates of the district heating unit.
  • Zigbee allows easy integration of a wireless control panel and/or wireless sensors.
  • Bluetooth enables connectivity with the LS Config App, which is used for setup and calibration of the district heating unit. The LS Config App also supports firmware updates, system monitoring, servicing, and can function as a user app for daily fine-tuning of temperature settings for personal comfort.

The Core Functionality is in Place

We have implemented the core functionalities for district heating control, including features such as holiday mode, night setback, and more.

Let’s Create the Best Solution Together

Let’s explore the functional requirements for the control system of your next district heating unit together.